In considering the law of God in relation to salvation this analogy may be helpful.
Mysterious Gifts
Two of the most mysterious gifts from God are time and pain.
Word for the Day
The requirements for eternal life are based not on what you can do but on what Jesus Christ has done. The Complete Bible Answerbook Kindle edition Location 425
Word for the Day
The backbone of the Bible, to which all the expository, homiletical, moral, liturgical, and devotional material relates, is the unfolding in space and time of God’s unchanging intention of having a people on earth to whom he would relate covenantally for his and their joy. Packer, J.I.. An Introduction to Covenant Theology (p. 7). Fig. […]
Word for the Day
When Jesus appeared to Israel, He did not plead with them to open their hearts and ask Him in, nor did He direct them to repeat a certain prayer. Instead, He commanded them to turn from their sin and believe the gospel. Washer, Paul. The Gospel Call and True Conversion (Recovering the Gospel Book 2) […]
Word for the Day
We must have a reformation within the Church. To beg for a flood of blessing to come upon a backslidden and disobedient Church is to waste time and effort. A new wave of religious interest will do no more than add numbers to churches that have no intention to own the Lordship of Jesus and […]
The Voice of God
God is always speaking. How often are we listening?
Word for the Day
knowledge is no mere collection of data; it is data seen in relationship to God as the sovereign and almighty one. Knowledge comes from God; it is the reverential subordination of all knowing to the Creator. Rushdoony, R. J.. Intellectual Schizophrenia: Culture, Crisis and Education (Kindle Locations 535-536). Chalcedon. Kindle Edition.
Word for the Day
Had the American colonists held fast to the basic standards established in both biblical and British Common Law, the institutions of slavery they later developed would never have come to pass. McDurmon, Joel. The Problem of Slavery in Christian America (Kindle Locations 420-422). American Vision Press. Kindle Edition.
Word for the Day
For every one pupil who needs to be guarded from a weak excess of sensibility there are three who need to be awakened from the slumber of cold vulgarity. The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts. The right defence against false sentiments is to inculcate just […]