When Jesus appeared to Israel, He did not plead with them to open their hearts and ask Him in, nor did He direct them to repeat a certain prayer. Instead, He commanded them to turn from their sin and believe the gospel. Washer, Paul. The Gospel Call and True Conversion (Recovering the Gospel Book 2) […]
Word for the Day
We must have a reformation within the Church. To beg for a flood of blessing to come upon a backslidden and disobedient Church is to waste time and effort. A new wave of religious interest will do no more than add numbers to churches that have no intention to own the Lordship of Jesus and […]
Word for the Day
Mortification from a self-strength, carried on by ways of self-invention, unto the end of a self-righteousness, is the soul and substance of all false religion in the world. Owen, John. The Life and Works of John Owen (55-in-1) (Kindle Locations 52483-52485). . Kindle Edition.
Word for the Day
To receive the gospel is not merely to pray a prayer asking Jesus to come into one’s heart, but it is to put away the world and embrace the fullness of the claims of Christ. Washer, Paul. The Gospel’s Power and Message (p. 10). Kindle Edition.