Word for the Day
David French & the Vapors of Civic Virtue Escaping from a Mystery Box
Word for the Day
The CDC's National Vital Statistic Reports the percentage of all births to unmarried women in 2021 was 40%. This is beyond tragic. It's a death blow to the very fabric of society. Men in covenant to women are the first test of a nation's strength. All other oaths follow. — The Chocolate Knox (@Chocolate_Knox) February […]
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Christ or Chemosh?
Word for Today
“Whenever people feel that God has no word for them, fear and terror begin to dominate society, and evil roams the streets unafraid. If there is no immediateword from God, the immediate word of evil dominates men’s lives“ From “Systematic Theology 1 & 2” by . Read more on Scribd:
Word for the Day
The requirements for eternal life are based not on what you can do but on what Jesus Christ has done. The Complete Bible Answerbook Kindle edition Location 425
Word for the Day
Preaching is not the performance of an hour. It is the outflow of a life. Bounds, E. M.. Complete Works of E. M. Bounds on Prayer (with Active Table of Contents) [Annotated] (Kindle Locations 156-157). Niche Edition. Kindle Edition.
Word for the Day
We glorify God when we are devoted to his service; our head studies for him, our tongue pleads for him, and our hands relieve his members. Watson, Thomas. The Essential Works Of Thomas Watson (Kindle Locations 282-283). GLH Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Word for the Day
In the last analysis atheism results from the perverted moral state of man and from his desire to escape from God. It is deliberately blind to and suppresses the most fundamental instinct of man, the deepest needs of the soul, the highest aspirations of the human spirit, and the longings of a heart that gropes […]
Word for the Day
Good men seek peace for grace sake; but wicked men and hypocrites, seek grace for peace sake. Bridge, William. A Lifting Up For The Downcast (Vintage Puritan) (Kindle Locations 312-313). GLH Publishing. Kindle Edition.