When God “blows the breath of life” into Adam’s nostrils, we’re to understand that act to be a continuation of His creation of the world by the power of His Word. Dever, Mark. Preach: Theology Meets Practice (p. 27). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Word for the Day
We have come to believe that a man of God can deal in certain tiny areas in the life of the Church; but when it really gets tough, we need to go to the social experts. That is an absolute lie! It says here that the Scriptures are given “that the man of God may […]
You must be born again
No rebels were ever stouter against their prince than an unrenewed soul against the Spirit of God: not a moment without arms in his hand; he acts in defense of sin, and resistance of grace, and combats with the Spirit as his deadly enemy: ‘You always resist the Holy Ghost; as your fathers did, so […]
The beginning of wisdom
It is an indispensable duty incumbent on Christians, to be fearers of God. “Fear God!” (Eccles. 5:7). “That you may fear the glorious and awesome name of the Lord your God!” (Deut. 28:58). This fear of God is the very foundation of a saint. One can no more act as a Christian without the fear […]
What does it profit a man?
What the heart is to the body, the soul is to the man; and what health is to the heart, holiness is to the soul. The state of the whole body depends upon the soundness and vigor of the heart, and the everlasting state of the whole man upon the good or ill condition of […]
A Son is Given
It is by the exercise and discharge of the office of Christ, as the king, priest, and prophet of the church, that we are redeemed, sanctified, and saved…the redemption and salvation of the church do not depend merely on this–that God has given one to be king, priest, and prophet of the church, by the […]
Self deception
Men profess they know the truth; but they know it not in its proper order, in its harmony and use. It leads them not to Christ, it brings not Christ unto them; and so is lifeless and useless. Hence, ofttimes, none are more estranged from the life of God than such as have much notional […]
The Dreadfulness of Judgment
When all the hidden things of darkness shall be brought to light, and the counsels of the heart shall be made manifest; when those secret impurities and subtle frauds whereof the world did never suspect us, shall be exposed and laid open to public view, and many thousand actions which we never dreamed to be […]
The Beauty of Holiness
Let me know lift up my heart, with my eyes and hands, to God, in heaven. Let me rouse myself to take hold of God, to seek his face, and to ascribe to him the glory due his name. Matthew Henry
For out of the heart…
The heart of man is his worst part before it is regenerated, and the best part afterward; it is the seat of principles, and the fountain of actions. The eye of God is, and the eye of the Christian ought to be, principally fixed upon it. John Flavel