Joshua is in the Old Testament in relation to the Pentateuch what the book of Acts is in the New Testament in relation to the four Gospels. Francis A. Schaeffer. Joshua and the Flow of Biblical History (Kindle Locations 55-56). Kindle Edition.
Word for the Day
The longer I live the more I am convinced that the world needs no new Gospel, as some profess to think. I am thoroughly persuaded that the world needs nothing but a bold, full, unflinching teaching of the “old paths”. The heart of man is the same in every age. The spiritual medicine which it […]
Word for the Day
Many of us have grown up on the theology that accepts the Holy Spirit as a Person, and even as a divine Person, but for some reason it never did us any good. We are as empty as ever, we are as joyless as ever, we are as far from peace as ever, we are […]
Word for the Day
To be spiritually minded is the great distinguishing character of true believers from all unregenerate persons. Owen, John. Spiritual-Mindedness (Kindle Location 263). GLH Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Word for the Day
When God “blows the breath of life” into Adam’s nostrils, we’re to understand that act to be a continuation of His creation of the world by the power of His Word. Dever, Mark. Preach: Theology Meets Practice (p. 27). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
The Beauty of Holiness
Let me know lift up my heart, with my eyes and hands, to God, in heaven. Let me rouse myself to take hold of God, to seek his face, and to ascribe to him the glory due his name. Matthew Henry
Born Again From Above
The Holy Ghost must come upon us, and the power of the Highest must overthrow us, before that holy thing can be begotten, and Christ be formed in us. Henry Scougal