Sobering Thoughts
Orwell understood that the foundation of tyranny is the corruption of language. Out of the Ashes Rebuilding American Culture Kindle edition page 15
Sobering Thoughts
There has been an unholy alliance between those on the Left, who believe that man is endowed with rights but no duties, and libertarians on the Right, who believe that consumer choice is the answer to all social questions, an idea eagerly adopted by the Left in precisely those areas where it does not apply. […]
Word for the Day
The wickedness of a people is great indeed when the most notorious sinners are men of renown among them. Henry, Matthew. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume I (Genesis to Deuteronomy) – Enhanced Version (Kindle Locations 2747-2748). Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Kindle Edition.
Sobering Thoughts
The rise of the mass media, mass politics, and massive government means that the beliefs which drive a relatively small group of articulate people have great leverage in determining the course taken by a whole society. Sowell, Thomas. The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy . Basic Books. Kindle Edition.
Sobering Thoughts
What would the Unholy Left do without illusion? It is the cornerstone of their philosophical and governing philosophy, a desperate desire to look at basic facts and plain meanings and see otherwise, to see, in fact, the very opposite. Walsh, Michael. The Devil’s Pleasure Palace: The Cult of Critical Theory and the Subversion of the […]
Word for the Day
We are incompetent in the ordinary things of life. We divorce more readily than we sell houses, yet for some reason we believe that we possess great wisdom as regards men and women that our benighted ancestors did not possess. We raise sons who are not weaned at age twenty-five, yet for some reason we […]