These are the two goals of evangelism: forgiveness of sins and an everlasting inheritance (a “place among those who are sanctified”). We are to expect these results from evangelism. Wilson, Jim. Taking Men Alive: Evangelism on the Front Lines (pp. 12-13). Canon Press. Kindle Edition.
The Glory of His Love
How often the love of the Lord amazes and humbles me.
Word for the Day
There is an inward peace and quietude of soul which the saints and people of God ordinarily are endued with. Bridge, William. A Lifting Up For The Downcast (Vintage Puritan) (Kindle Locations 46-47). GLH Publishing. Kindle Edition.
O Glorious Day!
No bridegroom enriches his bride with such honors by marriage, as Christ does; he makes them related to God as their father, and from that day the mighty and glorious angles think it no dishonor to be their servants. John Flavel
We Wear His Name
A young prince, having asked a philosopher how he should behave himself, the philosopher said, ‘Memento te filium esse regis.’ ‘Remember thou art a king’s son; do nothing but what becomes the son of a king.’ So let us remember we are the adopted son and daughters of the high God, and do nothing unworthy […]