We are in a time of judgment sent from the throne of Christ. This coronavirus, its concomitant disease, all the fear and confusion, all the wicked, selfish actions of rulers, the crashing of the econony, are judgments from Christ. He must reign until he makes his enemies his footstool. He rules all nations, yes even America, with a rod of iron.
We are the people of Christ, a peculiar people, called to be a kingdom of priests. As priests we pray unto the Lord on behalf of individuals and nations. As priests we make known the word and judgments of the Lord to individuals and nations.
Many people speak of 2nd Chronicles 7:14. Social media lights up with this verse in every calamity. It has become a mantra, a magic talisman rather than the Word of God. But it is the Word of God.
2Ch 7:14 KJV If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Who is it speaking of? In the context of when it was written it was the people of Israel. Today, it is those who are called by Christ’s name. It is Christians.
What are they called to do? They are called to pray.
What are the conditions of the Lord hearing their prayer?
- Humble themselves: to bring ourselves very low; to acknowledge that we are not worthy of the least of God’s mercy; confessing our sinfulness in truth, not posturing
- To pray: to declare our sins and the sins of the nation; to declare and agree on the justness of the Lord’s judgments; to beg for mercy, not based on our righteousness, for we have none, but only in the name and righteousness of Christ
- To seek the face of the Lord: to ask Him to look upon us with kindness and grace; to hear our confession of sin and our intercession for mercy
- To turn from our wicked ways: not the wickedness of the heathens, but ours; to forsake our sin; returning to the tent of the Lord
Then, and only then, will the Lord hear, forgive, and heal our land. But, let us not be as Israel, crying out for deliverance from evil, and returning to our idolatry once judgment is lifted. Because therein lies disaster.
What is our sin you ask? It is many and flagrant, like Israel fornicating with the Moabites. It is like the lukewarmness of Laodicea. It is the deadness of Sardis, the lack of love of Ephesus, the toleration of evil in Thyatira.
We tell our pastors to speak smooth things to us, and don’t take too long about it. Rather than teach and admonish one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, we sing vain repetitions. We teach doctrines of men, both maintaining our own ignorance if the Word and obsequiously currying the favor of unbelievers. All in all, rather than being transformed by repentance and salvation, we seek an empty baptism of unexamined, unaffected, unchanged, unrepentant lives. We seek the whitewashed tombs of Pharisaical arrogance.
We must repent. We must do so in spirit and in truth. To do so lightly courts the indignation of God.
So let us come before the Lord with prayer, with supplications, with intercessions, and with thankfullness. But let us do so with all repentance and sincerity by the Spirit, in the holiness and righteousness of Christ.
Psa 2:12 KJV Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.